Friday 30 May 2014


Hey! Have you ever asked yourself, what exactly you are doing on the earth? Why were you born? Why did you come from your current family? Why are you where you are at present, doing what you are now doing? The things that happen to you, why are they so happening? Have you found out why you think the way you do, laugh the way you do, feel or talk the way you do? What about the things you indulge yourself in more frequently, why do you? Think about these things!

Friend, you have an identity that is entirely unique to you alone. You are on earth for a purpose. You are not an accident, even if you were born by unmarried parents. God allows everything that happens under the heavens for the greater or ultimate good of man. So, it does not matter how you were introduced into the world, but it is undeniably significant. Why were you birthed by unmarried parents (if that is your case), it is very important you know that. Your answers to the above questions or your findings about the very many issues raised above, will sure enable you unveil your purpose.

The key to self-discovery is self-examination. It is time for you to lunch on the roller skater, but first, who are you. Let me inform you that you have a life to live. You do not have to be like your friends or even your role models. Refuse to be another man, refuse to be a second hand person, be yourself, be the original that you are, live out your dreams.

What are your dreams? This is a million dollar question. Have you found your dreams? Some people are unfortunately just busy living the dreams and lives of other fellows. Life cannot reward you if you are not following your dreams. Guess what! Your dreams reveal your ultimate purpose in live. No man can truly find happiness and joy by living a life without definite dreams. Your dreams will keep you going. men without purposes or dreams in life, are bound to die prematurely. You only live on when you have found out a purpose to live on. Your dreams will reveal to you, your ultimate purpose, and your purpose will give you a dream.

You cannot afford to be stagnant, if you have found your dream/purpose, then pick it up and start moving. Who says it can't be achieved? Every dream is achievable! It is possible, if you pursue it hard and long enough. The events around you are the products of your dreams, whether consciously or unconsciously. If you dream must come to pass, then you must believe strongly in it, even when nobody else does. I have come to realize that, you do not need the permission or the approval of men to succeed. Once you have discovered god's purpose for your life, and have created a set of goals to match, you are good enough to turn your life around positively. You may need the supports and cooperation of men to succeed, but you do not need their approval. Once God has approved you, men will no doubt recommend you. But unless you approve yourself, no man will approve or recommend you. Sometimes, nobody will be ready to help you until you have started up something. That is how it works.

I dare you today: PURSUE YOUR DREAMS! Never you give up, giving up is always the inception of failure. Those who pursue their dreams will always find help along the way. That is how nature has arranged it. You will never find any help unless you have started the journey. Tell yourself everyday: I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE, I HAVE GOT A PURPOSE FOR MY EXISTENCE- I CAN'T AFFORD TO DISAPPOINT GOD AND MAN, I HAVE A DREAM TO PURSUE- THEREFORE I CAN'T AFFORD TO BE LAZY AND IDLE, I HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT TO FULFILL, I HAVE GOT SO MUCH POTENTIALS WITHIN ME - I CAN'T AFFORD TO LET THEM LIE FALLOW. I AM WAKING UP TO DUTY HENCEFORTH, MY LIFE MUST COUNT. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. I WILL PURSUE MY DREAMS!

When you make such affirmations daily, you will find inner strength welling up within you, and that is the greatest energy you require to fulfill your dreams. This is your chance, if you fold your hands, destiny will pass you by. Get on the move! This is your time, if you miss it now, you MAY not have it again, or at least not as easy as it would be now. Whatever you tell yourself is always true even if they are lies. whether you think you can do it or cannot do it, you are right all same. But the ultimate and eternal truth is that YOU CAN PURSUE THAT DREAM AND FULFILL IT.

Shalom! I wish you success, as you put yourself in the challenge once again. You will return with a testimony that will shake your world.


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