Tuesday 27 May 2014


Hello friends.

 I am committed to feeding you with the most striking and relevant information ever, cutting across various endeavours and fields. I think this piece of information will help you live a positive life. I want to talk health with you through this article. Feel free to link other people up here too. Let us consider solving the problems of inability to find sleep.

Natural Cure for Sleeplessness

We have 24 hours a day, of which 12 hours form the day-light and the other 12 hours form the night. It is expected that after the long and tedious day’s works, you should have adequate rest. The most effective way of achieving this is through sleep at night. At sleep, the body is renewed, revamped and rejuvenated. It is nature’s way of reinforcement in order to remain active and usefully productive. Any attempt to boycott this process will tell badly on the body’s functions, productivity, durability and integrity. But unfortunately, there are persons who have the problem of inability to fall asleep, despite all personal efforts to help the situation. This unfavourable condition is medically or psychologically referred to as INSOMNIA.

There is a natural tendency for man to sleep off once it is dark. However, medical conditions, psychological disorders, hormonal imbalance, nutritional contents of food and the body’s metabolic states can alter this routine. When it becomes chronic, then it is called insomnia; otherwise, lack of proper sleep for one or two days may not call for serious attention. Whatever the case is, whether acute or chronic sleeplessness, it can be corrected through some natural means. I will reveal to you in this article, the things you can do by yourself to be able to sleep when you want, without a need to take sleeping – pills.

It has been confirmed that the human body can be conditioned or trained to respond to situations or the environment in a certain definite way. That includes, teaching your body to sleep only, when exposed to certain atmospheres, through consistent practice.

Some of the easy lifestyle and nutritional practices that will knock out insomnia and give you healthy sleep time are as follows:

1.     Try to go to bed by the same time daily. Choose a favourable time and make sure you complete all you have to do before the set time. It is called the ‘sleep-wake cycle.’ Once it is time, leave everything else, no matter how important and go to bed. Do this daily for some days or weeks as the case may be, until your body is influenced.

2.     Bedroom use definition. Ensure that your bedroom is exclusively for ONLY SLEEP and love making (for those who are married). Avoid the temptation to eat or watch the television in your bedroom.

3.     Avoid the intake of caffeine or caffeine containing substances, in the late afternoon or evenings. This is because of its stimulating effects on the central nervous system (CNS). As a stimulant, it is also true that it raises the metabolic rate of the body system in general. All these put together will alter your sleep time, or make you stay awake much longer than you desire.

4.     Regular exercise but not later than 6 pm is encouraged. Much exercise in the day will naturally stimulate the sleep centre of the brain during the night; as a way of auto-regulating the work capacity of your muscles. Having noted that, during the night especially bedtime, the brain should be shut off from all energy exerting activities like reading, or even brain stimulating dealings like watching of the television.

5.     Cut down on your alcohol intake. If possible, avoid it completely, apart from other well known health hazards of alcohol, it also disrupts sleep.

6.     Leg exercises just before bedtime will divert more blood flow to your legs instead of the brain. This action can boost falling asleep as well.

7.     Sex just before bedtime will favour your falling asleep. Studies show that, sex hormones or chemicals release during sexual activities promote sleep.

8.     Darkness supports sleep more than light does. Thus, an hour two before bedtime, dim the lights in the bed room. A report suggests that, by so doing, the natural melatonin in the body would be increased.

9.     Control of sounds in the bedroom. Turn off the TV, and do everything possible to minimise noise to the barest minimum if it cannot be totally stamped out.

10.  Food like ‘lean turkey’ is high in tryptophan; halibut, almonds, cashew and spinach are high in Magnesium; while others like nuts, legumes and leafy green vegetables are high in vitamin B complex. Consumption of such healthy foods before bedtime will favour sleep.

Sleep is good for your health. Pay all the necessary sacrifices and display all possible discipline towards achieving a considerable sleep time. The points already enumerated will sure work for you. Good luck!
Well, I must state that too much of every thing is bad. Therefore, sleeping for more than 8hours may help you body or health but does not help you career, dreams and aspirations, jobs, education, finances and businesses. Discipline is necessary to ensure you do not sleep too much. Too much sleep only amounts to lazy. Lazy people will end up in poverty.
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Eat well, sleep well and live healthy.

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