Tuesday 11 March 2014


A gift is simply an item or service offered or received without a cost attached to it. There is a magical power in gifts. It has the capacity of attracting greater favour and sustaining an existing relationship. The importance of giving gifts can never be over-emphasized as long as interpersonal rapport is concerned.
At various festive periods, we find people of various beliefs, races and religions giving gifts. Some do it out of necessity, others out of strive, yet others do it out of compulsion and some others, cheerfully out of genuine love.
The relevance of a gift is not judged by its quantity but by its quality. Even when we are not to undermine the quantity of offerings, the quality of such a gift is more important than its quantity. More attention should be given to boosting the quality of our gifts before ever thinking of presenting them. The greatest gifts ever however, is not just the gift of cars, houses, air-planes, parcels of land, landed properties or anything else, but the GIFT OF LOVE. Love is the best gift ever, which is while anything, no matter how laudable and gleaming it looks, losses quality and value if given without love. A good quality gift is that that is built on first love and some other virtues.
Therefore, if your bequest must be considered as a high quality one, then it must be founded on the following: (a) Love, (b) Purity of heart, (c) Compassion and (d) Need (the gifts may be of large magnitude, but if it is not needed, then it is useless. If you do not want your gifts to be considered useless, ensure that you give only what is needed). It is not enough to give out a souvenir, make sure you accurately ascertain its quality, because your reward for such a godly and noteworthy act actually depends on this factor.
Summarily, what the world needs is not actually physical presents, but LOVE – genuine love. The truth nevertheless is that, where there is true love, there certainly will be “sharing.” There will be exchanges of gifts, unity and free access to even personally acquired fortunes. The gift of love remains the best gift ever, learn to share love in your possessions, virtues, goods and services too. This is all we require to make the universe a better habitation. Building of a glorious future both for an individual and the globe is not exclusive to some folks; but an open-to-all exercise. GET INVOLVED!

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