Friday 30 May 2014


Attitude is the true definition of a man's entire content. If you want to know who a man is, what he is capable of and the quality of his life, look no further than his attitude. Our attitudes advertise us much more than we can pay for. But unfortunately, only a handful of persons, understand this reality. What you do regular will soon become part of your habit and then character. Your attitude is your habit, it forms or shapes you (your character). It is a common maxim that, practice makes perfect. This is true, not only for games and other processes of skills acquisition, is equivalently true for how well out characters turn out to be. Your attitudes will build you into either something you either know or do not know. But what is certainly constant, is that attitudes/habits alter the state of a man's character or personality.

"Attitude is everything" were the words of Keith Harrell. I absolutely concur! Your attitudes determine your friend, fortune, fate, future, finance, family, freedom, fellowship and the quality of your destiny.

Lets now consider seven attitudes to cultivate that would positively affect your life and state of mind.

  1. Optimism:  This attitude helps you to hope for the best, believe in the best and expect the best. If you are optimistic, it means you are positive. It affects the way you react and respond to situations. Optimism puts you on top of the situation. 
  2. Ever Smiling: Smiles give your admirers a positive impression about who you are. It helps you win more friends and makes you a person of the people.
  3. Generosity: Generosity can be learned. There is what I call "spirit of magnanimity" once you have it, then you can be selfless in your giving. "Givers never lack," is not only a biblical injunction, it is also a natural principle for a prosperous living.
  4. God-dependence: It is often recounted that a tree does not make a forest. However, woe unto those who will put their trust in mere men. It will not be bizarre to have them woefully disappointed.  Much more woe awaits those who would trust in their riches. No matter how prosperous and influential you have become in life, your should be absolutely God-dependent. That is the only way to sustain your wealth.
  5. Warm Spirited: Be cheerful always. Less regard to your prevalent situations, learn to keep a warm spirit, a happy and smiling look. This will certainly add values to your life. It is a choice, nothing should make your day boring or sadly.
  6. Ever Willing to Help: Make up your mind daily to help as many as you can. Be concern when you see or meet people in terrible situations even if you do not have the means to be of any assistance.
  7. Thoughtfulness: Minds that are thoughtful will find it very easy to find solutions to problems. Cultivate the habit of activating your mind and your brain with positive thoughts. This should not be miss understood for worries and anxieties. I mean by thoughtfulness, that you should make out time daily to examine yourself, think about solutions to challenges, think about your dreams and visions, thing about God and His Word. This attitude will revolutionize your entire being.
I will add to the list in my next post. Nevertheless,learn to do positive things daily by conscious efforts. Persistence is a major key to transforming one's life, as well as getting success over any worthwhile adventures.


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