Monday 13 February 2017


I read a post a moment ago about how it is best to treat people the way they treat us. It taught that when people despise, you should do same to them. When they honour you, you should honour them in return. When people feel that you are not needed in their friend circle, you too should neglect them and face your live squarely. It was so beautifully constructed that it made some senses to my carnal and fleshly reasons, but I do have some reservations. The writer tried to make a connection with 1 Samuel 2:30, but failed to consider Matthew 5:38-48. From a natural perspective, we may all be tempted to agree to the post absolutely; thinking that it will only amount to foolishness to allow others cheat on us. 

However, as Christians, there is no end to the extent we should love people - whether or not they recognise or reciprocate our love. We are called to a higher life. Heaven is our standard. When people show that they don't need you in their lives, you may keep off a little for the sake of peace, but don't let it affect your love for them. The principle is: when people respect you, respect too and when they disrespect you, respect them still. Live your life according to God’s standards, not according to the worldly or anybody’s standard. Do not let another person’s weaknesses ruin your strength. I have been there severally, where particular individuals put up attitudes that lucidly unveil their deeply rooted &heart-felt contempt for my presence or company or friendship. I would feel like cutting them off completely, to establish the fact that I can do without them. But the "regenerated man" within me, won't let me. Though I become more careful in relating with such people, yet my love for them remains unflinching. OUR LOVE MUST BE TOTALLY UNCONDITIONAL. Many of us have told God we don't need Jesus, but He never mind, He loved us anyway. He kept protecting and providing for us anyway. We are met to do the same. I am convinced that we do not have to treat people the way they treated us. I THINK WE SHOULD TREAT THEM BETTER THAN THEY DID TO US. 

What do you think? 

(c) G. O. Aghedo

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