Wednesday 1 February 2017

POSITIVE MINDSET, by: Godday Ojore Aghedo

The centre hub of a man's life is his thought. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). The mind is the seat of all thoughts, and thoughts produce actions, actions lead to habits and habits culminate in character. Character makes men! Thought makes men! Just as the spiritual world controls the physical world, the mind controls every man. 

The power over the mind is required to control the entire body. Most of the things you do more often, make your character and they define you. Your preferences in life are greatly revealed in your character as well as giving a meaning to your personality: either a positive or negative meaning. Your current mood or physical disposition is traceable to the state of your mind. No matter how good you are at pretending, you can't mask unhappiness for too long. If you aren't happy, it will show or manifest on you in the next few minutes, subconsciously, unless you have mastered your mind. The mind can actually be trained to act certain ways or assume certain positions, over time, or in definite conditions.

Positive thinking, is the best way to master your mind, and make it produce the results you desire per time. Irrespective of the nature of difficulties you find yourself, you can condition your mind to remain positive and live happily in the mist of all ugly situations.  Learn to think positive of all situations and happenings, no matter how bad they appear. Keep doing it daily... Practice makes perfect. If you develop the attitude of being optimistic in all events and conditions, over time, it becomes your lifestyle. Such a lifestyle brings victories any time any day. At that point, events do not determine your mood, but you choose your mood. I call it "conquering oneself" and that is the greatest victory you need to win - victory over yourself, your mind, your body, spirit and soul.

It is a fight you should fight, it is a journey you should undertake, it is a habit you should cultivate, because it gives your entire being a freshness of breath it requires to blossom. Success begins from the mind. Health takes its root in the mind. Happiness is connected to the mind first before the external happenings. The level of your strength is measured by your level of control over your mind. Positive mindset, is the cure to all unnecessary anxieties.

(c) G. O. Aghedo, 2017 

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