Monday 20 January 2014


CHOICE is POWER, use it appropriately...

Every now and then man is faced with the need to choose an object from a set of entities. Sometimes in man in life, a man may be able to abscond himself from performing his obligatory duties, but never to escape the challenge of choice making. The choice a man makes is what rules him; it is as powerful as that. In this article, my focus is ensuring that at every point in time, we are empowered enough to make the right choices.

Beginning from what we wear, what we eat, what we discard, where we go, what we see or hear, what we do, what we accept, where we work and where we live, we are never without alternatives actually. Whatever we have is the product of our choices. Interestingly enough, the greater the number of available options, the more challenging it is to conclude on our choices. While the fewer they are, the easier the choosing process. However, the former presents a higher chance of making a quality choice.
Therefore, no man is left in a situation where he cannot make a choice; in fact getting into such a situation (if at all possible) is a consequence of a previous choice. 

Friend, I will like us to place great values on this gift of the right to make a choice, because whatever we get from or give to life is in direct proportionality to the choices we made. Life we never give to a man what he has not chosen. Even God himself respects man’s WILL and CHOICE. From the bible book of creation (Genesis), we saw that the Omnipresent and Omniscient God did nothing to stop Adam and Eve from disobeying Him, because He had earlier given them FREE WILL. This same picture was showcased in Joshua 24:15, where it was handed down to man openly, the right to choose either life or death and blessing or curse.

It is important to elucidate the truth that life is not just all about the breath, but everything else that makes it worth living. In other words, the availability or deficiency of the resources or factors for making life beautiful and enjoyable depends on the choice we make. In like manner, death goes beyond non existence of the physical body or lost of breath. A man is not only dead when he ceases to breath, but when he becomes a liability to his family, when he loses his right to take decisions, when he simply exists rather than making an impact and when he is characterized by redundancy, then he is indeed dead. A slave is not better than a dead man except that he has a hope of freedom someday. A living man is he that still reserves the right and power to make his choices without unsolicited interferences.

Moreover, your choice is so powerful that it can tell our fulfilling your will become or how disdaining you will turn out to be. Your future is dependent on the superiority of choices you make today. If you desire to make your life count or to make it valuable, priceless, inestimable and worthwhile, then learn to make the right choices. THE BEAUTY OF LIFE LIES IN CHOICE MAKING. Every decision you make in life has the potential power to transform you for the better or transfigure you into obscurity. Your life is as good as the decisions or the choices you make. SHALOM!

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