Monday 20 January 2014


Popularity is a basic desire of most people irrespective of age, sex, race and background. But I sincerely think that the actual definition is usually not put in focus by most people who crave for it. According to an online source, popularity is the “state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by a large number of people: the quality or state of being popular.” But I define popularity as the state of being significantly relevant in your territory and probably beyond. 

Nevertheless, it should be understood that the way and manner popularity is achieved is as important as popularity itself. Many people end up discouraged and unfruitful in their quest to be popular because of wrong or faulty methodology. Some may acquire it but for a negligible time frame, making it as good as never having it at all. Remember that true popularity has its challenges and thus, must be able to stand the test of time. The length of your reign or tenure of popularity depends largely on how it came about in the first place. Beyond being famous, popularity refers to your status or reputation. This is the basis of my classification of popularity into two.


1.     Acquired popularity

2.     Earned popularity

ACQUIRED POPULARITY - This kind of reputation is built on power (either official or delegated), material acquisition, wealth, position or office/rank but unfortunately does not last. For instance, a wicked man could become so popular by exuding his power for as long as he has the capacity to do so. If money brought you respect, it will naturally disappear when the money is no longer there. If your position/office/rank ushered you into the world of popularity, by the time your tenure is over, your popularity would have expired too. It is thus not the best route for achieving popularity.

EARNED POPULARITY – This is the recommended type of fame. True popularity is earned not acquired. Respect or fame acquired either by coercion, violence or enticement does not enjoy a lasting reign. Whatever you earn, you can tame and retain. Popularity should be earned! The proper route to popularity is a diligent and curious quest for relevance or significance. As long as you remain relevant or significant to your world, you will continue to earn and enjoy the respect it has to offer.

In conclusion, you position may win you some honour for the period of your stay in office, but the value you add to life will sustain your honour, respect and fame beyond the years you spend in an office. Do not beg for respect, work for it; but the only way to achieving this is to maintain your sense of relevance to your society. Keep affecting people’s lives and you will keep blossoming in self-worth, public-worth and popularity. You are only popular to the extent of the influence of your kind contributions to lives and your environment. KEEP REIGNING!


(1) What is your personal definition of popularity?
(2) What do you want to be known for?  


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