Tuesday 19 December 2017


Christmas is the celebration of the nativity (birth) of Christ, with the 25th day of December set aside for its commemoration by Christians around the world. Behind the august celebration lies controversy among Christians as to the actuality of the day and the very essence of its observation.

The act of commemoration and observation of days such as independence, ceremonies, festivals et cetera is not alien to human societies. In such days, history is visited and retold to posterity which helps in the transfer and preservation of values, norms, ideas, cultures, events, etcetera. To have such peculiar to the Christian faith calls for sincere acknowledgment of its relevance and significance rather than throwing caution into the air in attempt to  displace such an introspective and benevolent day in the history of mankind.

            Since the disobedience of the first couple (Adam and Eve) in the beautiful Garden of Eden, Human generations have wrestled greatly with three distinct enemies (Satan, Sin, and Death) that have threatened not only the civility of men but also their existence and relationship with the Creator (God). Man became subverted, as evil, ignorance, violence, hypocrisy, greed, debauchery, profanity ,idolatory, et cetera reigned among men, making them enemies of God.
In the infinite-ness of God’s sovereignty, man was to be rescued but a great price was required for his redemption and reconciliation to God.
              God sent His only begotten son and He accomplished the mission to rescue man through His (Christ’s) incarnation, redemption, and adoption of man.
The incarnation (birth) of Jesus demonstrated love (Agape), humility, and absolute purity. As God was made flesh, born by the virgin Mary with no trace of earthly paternity. He descended from the Highest and Holiest of Heaven, dwelling among pervert and wretched men with no iniquity found in Him, despite the temptations, mockeries, force accusations, sufferings etc He faced while on earth. He went about loving, providing, healing, exonerating, preaching and teaching the word of God. He gave His life for mankind, took the shame, bore the pain, defeated Satan, sin and death, thereby bridging the gap between Humanity and DivinitySatan, the father of sin was defeated for men where forgiven of their sins as Christ’s blood which was shed on the cross atoned for his transgressions and freed men from the guilt and hold of sin. Death which is the wages of sin and the end to human existence became a gateway to the glorious paradise through Christ’s resurrection from the dead. A blessed paradox it was.

            The celebration of Christmas is a reflection of the divine love of God demonstrated in the self-abnegated and sacrificial life of Christ which brings to light the unfading hope of eternity in paradise.
It marks the end to struggles of man to please God as the reign of Christ in the heart of men propels Godly living without coercion or manifestation of works.

The Birth of Christ commemorates the dawn of grace as God’s love is shed in the hearts of men, who love others because they were first loved. Christ exemplified the life of God and became the way, for there is no other way to the father except through Him (Christ). The relevance of Christmas is rooted in our sincere acknowledgement and surrender of all ours to the reign of Christ, while He prospers His will and interest making us disciples and partakers of the glorious kingdom of God.


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