Thursday 16 November 2017


The world indeed is a place of wonders, old and young are going through death, new one are been given birth to, married are tired of sex, unmarried are dying for it, what thrills our aged ones is no longer their priority, but a major concern to the young ones and may even want to die for it, some have food but can’t eat, others don’t have but want to eat, rich get richer while the poor get poorer because the rich keeps  good jobs and opportunities for their un-born children. love is now range by grade/level , is no longer blind as said, the rich go for the rich, people now make friends with only high class and not willing to mingle with low class ones ,doctors rate themselves more important than lawyers, teachers are being maltreated by politicians, who open their eyes to civilization? The farmer is termed the poorest and given low respect, same to those who do all kinds of jobs other than the white jobs, the quit ones are termed weakling while the open eyes are termed the bravest, smartest, and strongest. Really…? ok I agree to any reasons you may give for your actions but can we imagine a world of you yours and I me myself, in the hospital you alone, school you , market  you, ever y where is just you, don’t think what kind of life that will be. I already can tell that you will be bored and can’t enjoy life, you will be home alone.

The world is for me, you and other. A three cords cannot be easily broken. I understand you want to be careful not to get hurt, please try your neighbor so as to know what it means been hurt to avoid hurting the next person. My aged parents always say it is only the person wearing the shoe knows how it hurt, please try and wear before saying you understand rather say I” know” it hurt I can’t understand how it really hurts am not in your shoes. Please don t make the person feels you really understand when actually you don’t know except by head knowledge (books).The person that actually understands is the one who had experience in that same issue, topic, or matter of discussion.
The excellent, average and poorest if any, are all humans who are good at other things and are best in those areas so don’t term any excellent, average or poorest, because we are all unique in life just find out “what they are good at” how long will it take to be good at “what you want them” good at. There is none that is not good at anything and can’t learn anything, whatever anyone has done in life is doable, just give it time and chance… long I don’t know just give…..

In life learn all you can from others, be able to do selection/ filtration of needed ones but don’t, (never) try being like any of them, if you take time to know who you are, you are better off, me. I, am, my, and self always though I admire others but never jealous of them cos am good better best. yesterday am good, today am better  tomorrow I will be best of myself so please do well to find out my yesterday then you will appreciate my today please also don’t forget to check me out tomorrow as the journey of life continues, I assure you will be amazed...

Conclusion, I need you so much that you need me more than I need you, it is about me you and you me which gives room to others, is me, you, others world. The 1st love the lord with all thy heart, soul and might, 2nd love thy neighbor as thyself, the 1st is not fulfilled if you don’t do the 2nd, can you love God whom you don’t see if you can’t love me that you can see. Food for thought...

©GLFW, 2017

Thursday 2 November 2017


In my last post, BUILDING UP YOURSELF FOR GREATNESS, I made it explicitly lucid that everyone is born to be great...everyone has inherent ability to be great and successful in life. But that the levels of success and greatness one mankind manifest will certainly be different due to variance in the amount of time and effort such individuals invest into their lives. Though greatness is within the reach of everyone who launches out for it, it has been well stated that, some people cannot never attain the level of greatness they passionately desire or admire because they fail to invest a commensurate amount of effort to see its actualization.

At the end of the story of Mr Johnson and his son (Stow) who became a world best athlete in his time, we were able to draw out five important factors that led to his amazing success. These same factors will surely produce the same effects or results for anyone who correctly applies them. In no particular order, we identified: Mentor-ship, Vision or purpose, Action or hard-work and Persistence in that post, but I am adding G-Factor. Now, let’s examine them one after another.

1.      Vision – in this context, vision can be interchangeably used with purpose, because the purpose of a man is what defines and fuels his vision. In fact, there is no vision without purpose and vice versa. Vision is simply a mental picture of your future or purpose for living. To be great, you must be able to discover your purpose and then translate it into a vision that drives on. Behind every great accomplishment is a well packaged vision. In the next 5, 10, 15 and 20 years where will you be, who will you become, what will you achieve? These are the questions that a good vision must answer. Vision is the force that drives you to fulfilling your purpose in life.

2.      Mentorship – mentorship is a situation of being guided, instructed and nurtured by experience (but not necessarily older) persons in the line of your vision and lives purpose. Mentorship is like spoon feeding you until your land in the world of success. It helps you to avoid costly mistakes that others make when pursuing the same vision.  It makes your journey to greatness easy and fun filled. Mentor are like counsellors, and in the multitude of counsellors, a city is not only easily build but eternally fortified. The secret of easy and lasting greatness is traceable to mentorship. Be accountable to your mentors – those who have achieve the same feats you are aiming to achieve. Mentors make your missions measurably monumental.

3.      Action – action is said to speak louder than voice, and that is true. It is not just dreamers that attain great heights but those that act on their dreams. Vision alone will never take you to the envision platform of greatness, but acting on the vision will. You never tell how far you can go or how much you can accomplish in life, until you act on your dreams/visions. Life does not respond favourably to the things we wish to do, but to the things we actually do. Break down your dreams into workable bits and start acting on them. An action on a fraction of a dream produces ripples of glorious effects that bring you closer to the fulfilment of the dreams. Don’t wait for when you can do much, just start with the little you can do now. Little shots of actions over a long time will produce a far more effective effect than one big shot. Every day, you should ask yourself this: “what can I do today no matter how small, which will help me fulfil my vision?”

4.      Persistence – giving up on a task or dream or vision is the easiest way to becoming a “nobody”. People who easily give up never amount to any relevance in their field. They journey to greatness will never be easy or luxurious, but you must persevere. You must persist and continue to knock off distractions your way. You must remain focused and willing to travel the full haul. You must be ready and willing to endure the momentary pains and sufferings until you are eventually crowned. The prize is not for everybody who started the race, but strictly for only those won reached the end. Never! Never!! Never give up!!! Be determined to accomplish your dreams, no matter how long it takes and how much it costs. You will be disappointed, you will fail severally, you will be deserted by your supposed helpers, you will be scorned and laughed at, you will make some loses, you will even experience some threats and denials while pursuing your dreams; but DON’T GIVE UP. Those who persist to the end will usually be rewarded with prizes that wipe off the memories of their painful past.

5.      G-Factor – this is the “God-Factor.”Without God, no matter how much you try, you will never succeed. We must acknowledge God in all we do. John 15:5 says that, cut-off from God, we can do absolutely nothing. Think about it for a moment: your intelligence, wealth, connections, influences, properties, virtues and wisdom are all given to you by God. In all we do or accomplish, we must return all glory to God Almighty. That is the only sure guaranty for continues success and greatness in this world.

In conclusion, these factors are not exhaustive. Depending on there are of life and your dream lines, there are many other virtues and characters sacrifices we must demonstrate in other to be successful of be called great. The virtues of humility, love, transparency, probity, accountability, honesty, kindness, generosity and the rest, must work harmoniously. These five factors, do not in any instance take the place of the development of relevant skills and lifestyles for success. To be great in the world of business, you must learn proper customer relations and calculations. To be great in the world of science and technology, you must learn to think critically etc. however, these five factors put together will always push you towards greatness.

To your greatness,


Wednesday 1 November 2017


Nobody was created naturally a failure or a loser or a victim. These ugly circumstances and events are self-made, man-made or society-made. Everyone was created a champion, but it does not manifest automatically. It has to be activated. It has to be unveiled!! It has to be ignited!!! It has to be stimulated and set in motion. God has done and finished His part in our success story, the rest is ours to complete. YES, in the eyes of God, you are good, you are great, you are successful, victorious, productive and relevant. He has deposited all it takes to manifest these characters in all of us, we have the raw material it is time to produce. He will not do that for us, we have to get to work under His guidance though. He has set the table, it is our choice to eat what is set under His table ethics though.
The ball is no longer in the Lords court, but in our court. It is our turn to play or hit the ball rolling. God will never do for man, what he can do for himself. Sometimes, prayers are not necessary to generate certain results, but actions do. It is our primary responsibility to build up ourselves for greatness. IT IS IN YOU... IT IS IN ME... LET’S GET IT OUT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE AND ENJOY

Friend, if you want to change the world, first change yourself. You can be the successful man or woman you have dreamt about. You can be that influential man/woman you have envisioned. You can be that philanthropist you have sincerely desired to become. Oh yes, you can be the YOU that God created you to be. I believe that everybody can be successful, but the level of success will differ... everybody can be rich and wealthy, but the level of riches and wealth will differ. God has made all things perfect for us, but the glory of this perfection will not be revealed until we work it out. For instance, according to Titus 2:11: the grace for salvation has appeared or made available to the entire world (male and female, rich and poor, white and black races, the young and old alike). However, everyman who must be saved must WORK IT OUT with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Do you understand the point now? Good! Greatness is in you, show it.

To be the best, you must pay the price. A man (Johnson) asked his 9 years old son (Stow), who he wanted to become, and he said: “I want to be the best athlete”! Two days later, at 5:00 a.m., the man called out to his son who was still snoring and rolling on the bed. Stow woke up and feeling disappointed that his dad could mind interrupting his sweet early morning sleep, looked at the wall clock and said: “Dad, it is just 5:00 a.m., and we are on holidays, I am going nowhere today, please I want to sleep.” Johnson, walked up to him, sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at Stow, tapping him on his shoulder. Immediately, Stow sat up with frowns on his face, but his father asked him: “Boy, what did you tell me you wanted to become?” Stow answered: “the BEST athlete” he reiterated.  “Now listen to me” said Mr Johnson, “if you want to be the best, then you must do what the rest is not doing. While others are still sleeping, you have to be awake, building up your dream and the greatness in you. While others are playing, you have to be working on your skills. To be the best, you must distinguish yourself from the rest in all perspectives of life. You can’t be the best athlete by still being on the bed at 5:00 a.m. you have to go extra miles in order to be the best.” This time Stow was fully awake and catching the ambience of greatness his father was creating. “Let me tell you the truth son,” Johnson continued, “if you truly want to be the best athlete in your life time, then you must wake up at 5:00 a.m. every day to build up your stamina. Champions are not made in a day. They don’t just emerge; it is usually a result of long time of previous trainings, hard-work, discipline and display of persistence. Everything is possible for those who not only believe, but take actions. Join me at the parking lot, if you want to be the best.” Mr Johnson stepped out to put on his boot for morning joggings. Stow was already charged up by the intriguing words of his father. He jumped out of the bed, put on his jersey and dashed out to join his father. They continued to jog long distances on daily basis, until it became a pleasurable habit to Stow. Hey! The beauty of life can be better defined by those who believe in their future. At the age of 21 years, Stow had become a champion in the world of sport, achieving lots of medals and prizes. He told his story in one of the world Olympic Games, were he emerged the fastest athlete.

You see, success is always within the reach of those who go for it. There are three basic things and more in this story, which we need to learn: Mentorship, Vision or purpose, Action or hard-work and Persistence. I will pick on these virtues in my next post. Till then, keeping succeeding!