Saturday 24 December 2016


The truth about the immaculate conception of Blessed Virgin Mary was first apprehended by the Catholic Church; and a few other folks and denominations welcome the revelation. Immaculate Conception simply refers to the belief or teaching that Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived with inheriting the sins of Adam and Eve like the rest of us do. It seeks to teach that Mary was blameless and holy at birth, with “original” sins. This sounds like one of these heretic teachings, right? Especially if you have to read Romans will be force to ask if Mary was exempted.
Many protagonists always refer to Luke 1:46-47 where Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” They teach that she acknowledged Jesus as her saviour who also redeemed her from her sins just as He did for us. However, the "Saviour" in Luke 1:47 refers to the God-Head (not Jesus Christ, the Son) verses 48 &49 confirms this truth. Jesus was not born at the time of that statement. So friends, if you don't mind creating time to answer the following question, I want to know: would you say it was Jesus who 'saved' her or 'Almighty God, the Father,' and at what point was she 'saved' if not from conception?

Some other persons argued that if the angel addressed her as being “highly favoured” then it must mean that she was unqualified in the first place because of her since. Well, this is my response to that opinion: The word 'favour' is often wrongly defined and incorrectly used interchangeably with 'grace.' I don't believe that "favour" is a function of "qualification" like your post insinuates. There is a clear cut dichotomy among 'favour,' 'grace' and 'mercy.' Look at this:




Let me explain further:

***"Favour" is a result of good relationship, excellent performance, and distinguishing displays. That is, if somebody has previously done something very good or possesses perfect virtues and attributes, the person gets favoured by evryone who cares. So, favour is always deserved to a VERY large extent. If Mary was 'highly favour' as you quoted, it can only mean that she had positioned herself in an amiable and admirable level higher than everyone else in her time. For example, assume that in your company, you pay your employees in level-1 N500,000; level-2 N700,000; level-3 N900,000 and level-4 N1,100,000. If one of your staff in level-1 (who earns N500,000 monthly), got paid N600,000 (WITHOUT unmerited promotion in levels) just after two months of employment, but simply because he/she distinguished himself/herself by being productive, exercising great skills and expertise at work plus going extra miles to get work done even after close hours - that is 'favour.'

***"Grace" is often defined as "unmerited favour." For example, if the level 1 staff described above is promoted to level 3 (for which he is not qualified), that is 'grace.' Or when you help a lame man to pluck some oranges (which he couldn't have been able to do), that is 'grace.'

***"Mercy" is either reducing or completely removing punishment for an offence or guilt committed. For instance, if an armed robber was to be sentence to 12 years imprisonment, but the judge pronounces 10 years because the criminal pleaded guilty alb-initio, that is mercy. We all deserve to die, but are enjoying God's mercy in the form of forgiveness of sins and mitigating the consequences of our sins. Considering the foregoing, "highly favoured" in reference to Virgin Mary, may not be a valid ground for doubting the concept of "Immaculate Conception." I need more facts and revelations. So friends, do you have any other point(s) to show that "immaculate conception" is a mare unbiblical doctrine? However, I will share with you my concluding opinions about this concept in my next post...


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