Saturday 28 June 2014


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria! Make sure you bring the WORLD CUP to Abuja in Nigeria.


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria!


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria!


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria!


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria!


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria!


Last time, I predicted that Nigeria would make it to the knock-out stage of the on going FIFA world cup. It has been fulfilled. They are to play against France National football team come 30th of June, 2014. I understand that France has a world class football team. But nevertheless, Nigeria shall be seen knocking them out by two goals to nothing. This means that Nigeria will yet again qualify and ascend to the next level: quarter-final.

Kudos to the Super Eagles of Nigeria!

Monday 23 June 2014


Everybody needs and desires peace seriously, but not as much persons have found peace nor the secret of peace. Life on earth is all about secrets. What you do not know anything about you cannot enjoy. Here and there, on daily basis, we are stormed by various news of various but too many sad stories. People are daily imprisoned, many die, others involved in one accident or another, disappointments in relationships, marriages break, failure and abject poverty, deprivations and denials, betrayal, losses and the list remains endless.

What is the cause of all these troubles? Everybody seems to be asking this question, but it appears that no one is getting the correct answer. Most times, man is not ready or patient enough to receive the answers to his important but numerous questions. He ends up falling into greater and more devastating difficulties. REASON? He has not found the necessary secrets.

First and foremost, one of the greatest problems of man in this generation is INSENSITIVITY TO THE NEED OF HIS NEIGHBOUR. It is indubitable to say that the heart of man is naturally greedy, proud and hateful. This was not and still remains an aberration or deviation from God's original purpose for man and the entire creation. It is a common maxim that the child who says its mother won't sleep can't find sleep itself.

The first secret of peace in our world by my research and findings, is to return to the original purpose of God for mankind. Unless we understand God's interest in the affairs and relationships of man, we may not completely comprehend our inevitable roles in the peace keeping of the families, communities and the world at large. WHAT IS GOD'S ORIGINAL PLAN OR DESIRE FOR CREATING MAN.

After creation, authority, power and dominion were given to man over everything else that God created, except man himself. Man was never given dominion over his fellow, he was not to enslave his fellow (a brother), he was not to hate, fight or kill his brother, but to love and unitedly tend the garden...

The problem of the world takes root in disobedience, through pride unto perversion of the truth. Once these are uprooted in every individual, the we can begin to find the true essence for life.

Secondly, if there must be peace, then we must be sincerely and truly sensitive to the needs of one another. Neglect, dereliction of responsibilities, carelessness, un-forgiveness, greed and all other inordinate exhibition of characters, will not only hurt and disturb our neighbours but ourselves. It is time for us to stand for and upon the truth about our first CALLING in life: TO BE OUR BROTHERS' KEEPER. This is a sure way to peace, within and without us; if we all accept to appreciate it... To SEE God, we MUST pursue peace and holiness in our inter-relationships.



Never you ever think of giving up in life. No matter how bad a situation presents itself, if you will is strong enough, you will surely overcome. Unless you believe in yourself, nobody can believe in you. Unless you believe strongly in your vision, the needed resources to reach it will never come to you.


Yes! It might be terrible with you right now, you might have lost everything you had, you might have more often than necessary faced untold disappointments, you might have been completely written off by you family and friends, but DON'T GIVE UP!

Tell yourself every day that you can make it and that you will make it. As you continue to affirm these truth, your subconscious mind picks them up, registers them, believes them, gets conditioned by them and eventually pushes you in the direction that leads to the fulfillment of your dreams. Who says it is not possible? Even if that is what you believe, you have only succeeded in believing a lie.


Life may not always be easy for you, but it is for a moment. No situation is permanent, CHANGE alone is constant. Every ugly state you find yourself is a passing phase. It is however very important, how you handle it.

How you handle you current conditions testify of how badly you need a change. Fear means you are not worthy of the future. It means you are not yet mature, Quitting means you do not have integrity. Giving up on a dream as laudable as yours, means you are "faithless". It means you have nothing to live for. It means you do not have what it takes to live (suggesting you were never born).

But of course, you are a living being, that means you have a future, a glorious destiny, a purpose and a duty to play in bringing sanity, hope and peace to the world. This is the TRUTH. But if this is true, why would you give up? Why would you quit?

I tell you the truth: YOU CAN RISE AGAIN. Stop looking at your unfavourable situations and start looking at the solutions, the way forward, the prospects of your destiny, your potentials, your talents and your abilities.

There is something you can do about your current state in other to improve it.

                     JUST LOOK INWARD!

                                                YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!
                                                                               YOU CAN MAKE!
                                                                                                      IT IS POSSIBLE!

                                                                                                                            DON'T GIVE UP!


I talked about the Nigeria Super Eagles qualifying to the second round of the on-going FIFA World Cup, along side with Argentina. The eagles have won a match and drawn one. earning a total score of four (points) at the moment. The Argentine counterpart has qualified already. However, Nigeria currently has a lot of chances of qualifying than Iran, which is next in rank. Hopefully, if Iran fails to win its match against Bosnia (which is most likely to be), then Nigeria will have no rival qualifying. But if the reverse happens, then Nigeria will need to win Argentina at all cost in other to move on to the next stage. That I believe is not an impossibility.

Therefore, for now, the next match between Bosnia and Iran will play a very vital role in determining the second leader of the group; come Wednesday by 17.00 GMT or 5pm Nigerian time.

As you watch these games this season, make sure you learn as much lessons as possible.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Nigeria in 2014 World cup

I believe strongly that Nigeria will qualify with Argentina in the group state competition at the on going FIFA World cup.

Nigeria has a point after drawing with Iran in her first group challenge. Those they had better possessions but could not convert the chances to goals. The strikers were not striking as much as to get a goal. A win was needed rather than a beautiful ball control. Some, if not all the mid-fielders were not smart enough. However, Osaze came into the game and suddenly there was a new wave of active force from the Nigerian players. Osaze changed the game positively and even attempted securing a winning goal. But unfortunately, he had no time to birth his desires. Shortly after his entrance, the final whistle sounded.

Vincent Eyeanma was great on the goal-post, for me, he is the most patriotic Super Eagles team members. He is still the best. I believe we have a real challenge ahead, but through determination and great efforts, Nigeria will scale through. But this chance will be brighter if Iran fails to win any match, we do not lose any match as well as making at least a win.

Let's keep praying and expecting the best. EXPECTATION IS THE MOTHER OF MANIFESTATION.

Monday 2 June 2014


The greatest secret to making money is to first have a money making mentality; just as the greatest secret to achieving success in life, is to have success mentality. Many people, no matter how hard they want success, will never come near it because of their mindset. I have discovered that the greatest obstacle to success, is the MIND.

The first secret to making money is to believe in the values you can add to people and the society at large. Unless you believe in yourself, you will never get involved in anything that can generate money. Believe that you are needed and that you have what it takes to be wealthy. Never allow your circumstances make you believe that poverty is your cross or portion, even if it runs in your family. You can break the yoke and be the first to be rich.

Secondly, you must have goods or services to render. Debunk the ideas that you can be rich without doing anything. People will only pay you in exchange for something else; goods or services. Money is very sensitive and only gets attracted to hard working folks while it at the same time, gets repelled from the idle minded individuals. Get your hands on something, get to some man's problems. Just look around you, there are a lot of problems. Take out some time and think of the ones you can proffer solutions to. Do researches and where necessary invite or incite collaborations. The easiest route to financial freedom and abundance, is SOLVING THE PROBLEMS of men, whether individual or corporate. The principle is OFFER something TO RECEIVE something.


The third secret is to discover your talents. Every person you see, is an embodiment of untold potentials awaiting exploration, including you. God gave man talents, potentials or abilities so that he can make meaningful contributions to the recreation of the world. There is always something you know how to do very well, which you love doing too. Find out what it is, your fortune in life is largely tied to it. When everything else fails, your talents will not fail you. They keep bringing you financial returns and joy.


SCHOLARSHIP: Hard work Pays!

Who says that HARD WORK doesn't pay. The problem with the majority of people in this generation is that, they do not wait long enough to see the harvest of their labours. Life only delivers dividends to those who have the virtue of patience.

It is good news to announce that a 10 years old boy by the name Chukwuemeka Obi-Obasi warn for himself a whooping some of Six Million Nigeria Naira.  He is a primary five pupil of Heritage Academy, Wuse 11, Abuja. His rare display of talent in the composition of a poem he entitled "Nigeria My Country" worn him the admiration of the supervising Education Minister, Chief Nyesom Wike, at the last week opening ceremony of the ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF CERTIFIED LIBRARIANS, in Abuja.

Chief Wike awarded the scholarship on behalf of the federal government and reiterated the federal government's commitment to reward excellence, hard work, honesty and integrity. He said that the money would be paid at once. The mother of the young poet, Mrs Chinyere Obi-Obasi expressed her profound  joy and described the achievement as a pride to her family. The young talented poet however admonished all and sundry to discover and develop their talents.

This should be enough motivation to some of you who can do one or two things very well and effortlessly too. Your talent will always make way for you. Just keep doing that thing you know how to do best, one day, somebody will see you and perhaps reward you for it. Persistence is the key to the top of the world. Just keep at it, against all odds, it will pay off someday.

As a student who does not have a sponsor, do not be discouraged, plug in your best into your studies, and before you realize it, opportunity for a scholarship will knock at your door. But if you do not build your academic stance, you may lose your place.

If you can sing, keep singing;
If you can dance, keep dancing;
If you can write, keep writing;
If you can draw, keep drawing....
......until you reward falls on your laps.

HELP TELL YOUR FRIENDS THAT hard work pays handsomely!
10-year-old primary school pupil gets the Federal Government’s N6 Million scholarship for prowess in poem. A 10-year-old primary five pupil of Heritage Academy, Wuse 11, Abuja, Master Chukwuemeka Obi-Obasi has won a six million naira federal government scholarship for rare display of talent in the composition of poem. Obi-Obasi, who performed last week at the opening of the First Annual Conference of Certified Librarians in Abuja, had impressed the minister with his poem titled: “Nigeria my country.” Supervising Minister of Education, Chief Nyesom Wike, who announced the award, said President Goodluck Jonathan approved the scholarship to encourage the emergence of fresh talents. The minister said that the government of Jonathan had always placed emphasis on discovering talents and encouraging them, adding: “such rare display of talents by our young ones is an indication that in spite of the current challenges, there is still hope for our country.” The minister said that the N6 million, which would be paid at once, would cover Obi-Obasi’s school expenses for the completion of his secondary education. Obi-Obasi thanked President Jonathan for the scholarship and advised his peers to identify their talents and put them to good use. He hoped to develop his talent in writing and poetry, and also wish to read law in the University. Also speaking, mother of the boy, Mrs. Chinyere Obi-Obasi, described her son’s success as a `moment of joy’ for the family. She said that her family would forever remain grateful to the present administration for the award.

Who 10-year-old primary school pupil gets the Federal Government’s N6 Million scholarship for prowess in poem. A 10-year-old primary five pupil of Heritage Academy, Wuse 11, Abuja, Master Chukwuemeka Obi-Obasi has won a six million naira federal government scholarship for rare display of talent in the composition of poem. Obi-Obasi, who performed last week at the opening of the First Annual Conference of Certified Librarians in Abuja, had impressed the minister with his poem titled: “Nigeria my country.” Supervising Minister of Education, Chief Nyesom Wike, who announced the award, said President Goodluck Jonathan approved the scholarship to encourage the emergence of fresh talents. The minister said that the government of Jonathan had always placed emphasis on discovering talents and encouraging them, adding: “such rare display of talents by our young ones is an indication that in spite of the current challenges, there is still hope for our country.” The minister said that the N6 million, which would be paid at once, would cover Obi-Obasi’s school expenses for the completion of his secondary education. Obi-Obasi thanked President Jonathan for the scholarship and advised his peers to identify their talents and put them to good use. He hoped to develop his talent in writing and poetry, and also wish to read law in the University. Also speaking, mother of the boy, Mrs. Chinyere Obi-Obasi, described her son’s success as a `moment of joy’ for the family. She said that her family would forever remain grateful to the present administration for the award.