Monday 23 June 2014


Everybody needs and desires peace seriously, but not as much persons have found peace nor the secret of peace. Life on earth is all about secrets. What you do not know anything about you cannot enjoy. Here and there, on daily basis, we are stormed by various news of various but too many sad stories. People are daily imprisoned, many die, others involved in one accident or another, disappointments in relationships, marriages break, failure and abject poverty, deprivations and denials, betrayal, losses and the list remains endless.

What is the cause of all these troubles? Everybody seems to be asking this question, but it appears that no one is getting the correct answer. Most times, man is not ready or patient enough to receive the answers to his important but numerous questions. He ends up falling into greater and more devastating difficulties. REASON? He has not found the necessary secrets.

First and foremost, one of the greatest problems of man in this generation is INSENSITIVITY TO THE NEED OF HIS NEIGHBOUR. It is indubitable to say that the heart of man is naturally greedy, proud and hateful. This was not and still remains an aberration or deviation from God's original purpose for man and the entire creation. It is a common maxim that the child who says its mother won't sleep can't find sleep itself.

The first secret of peace in our world by my research and findings, is to return to the original purpose of God for mankind. Unless we understand God's interest in the affairs and relationships of man, we may not completely comprehend our inevitable roles in the peace keeping of the families, communities and the world at large. WHAT IS GOD'S ORIGINAL PLAN OR DESIRE FOR CREATING MAN.

After creation, authority, power and dominion were given to man over everything else that God created, except man himself. Man was never given dominion over his fellow, he was not to enslave his fellow (a brother), he was not to hate, fight or kill his brother, but to love and unitedly tend the garden...

The problem of the world takes root in disobedience, through pride unto perversion of the truth. Once these are uprooted in every individual, the we can begin to find the true essence for life.

Secondly, if there must be peace, then we must be sincerely and truly sensitive to the needs of one another. Neglect, dereliction of responsibilities, carelessness, un-forgiveness, greed and all other inordinate exhibition of characters, will not only hurt and disturb our neighbours but ourselves. It is time for us to stand for and upon the truth about our first CALLING in life: TO BE OUR BROTHERS' KEEPER. This is a sure way to peace, within and without us; if we all accept to appreciate it... To SEE God, we MUST pursue peace and holiness in our inter-relationships.


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