Saturday 9 January 2021



My dear Edolites, it is indubitable that Edo people are generally very smart, intelligent and resolute people. They are neither easily susceptible and vulnerable, nor cuckolded into a self-destruct situation, as they are quick to learn from the mistakes of others. They are really smart, and this is the time to test that smartness.

Out of my stiffly busy schedules, I stole some time to watch the Edo gubernatorial candidates debate on channel’s TV, from start to finish, held on two consecutive weekends. As customary to me, I have done my due diligence in reviewing the written and written contents of the “SIMPLE” and “MEGA” agendas. I hope the good people of Edo State will not repeat the mistakes of 2015 and 2019.

Like I warned in 2014 and 2018, below are the 10 commandments we must obey, if we want Edo state to be safe, prosperous and indeed the heartbeat of Nigeria:

1.       Do not vote for someone who has a high penchant for fraud, or criminality pedigree or any proclivity for violence; because he/she will come against you on the long run.

2.       Do not vote for someone who lies effortlessly, because you will become a victim of his/her mendacities.

3.       Do not vote for someone who talks of doing big things but without the right strategies or team-members to actualize the dream. Such people are only good at building castle in air.

4.       Do not vote for someone who frenzied or forgets very easily, because he/she will soon forget his/her promises to you.

5.       Do not vote for someone who is “problem oriented” rather than “solution oriented,” because he/she is not an agent of change or transformation.

6.       a. Do not vote for someone whose plan is to make you dependent on him/her, instead of creating an enabling environment for you to excel too.

b. Do not vote for someone who wants to make you an employee all your life, instead of helping you become an employer of labour.

c. Do not vote for someone whose plan is to give you regular fish, instead of teaching you how to fish.

d. Do not vote for someone who is comfortable with putting food on your table rather than creating a system that creates wealth for all; because he/she will never help you fulfill your personal destiny.

7.       Do not vote for someone who tells you that life will be smooth and easy always, when obviously life is not a bed of roses. Rome was not built in a day, there is a process.

8.       Do not vote for someone who focuses on infrastructural development more than a strong human capital development; because, if you build roads without empowering the people, the unempowered people will destroy the roads.

9.       Do not vote for someone whose loyalty is more to the conclave of a privileged few individuals than the populace.

10.   Vote for someone who is visionary, someone who has well thought-out and piloted strategies, someone who will tell you the truth at all times, someone who treats the root causes of every ailment rather than the mere symptoms &signs, and someone lives today with the future in mind.



I am Godday O. Aghedo, and I remain apolitical.






© Godday O. Aghedo, September 2020

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