Sunday 3 March 2019


A nation founded on falsehood cannot stand the test of time, so it is with an individual or political cabinet enthroned by stolen mandates. Many people are befuddled and bewildered by the spate of ignoble events that have dragged Nigeria as an entity into the mud of national defacement, value degradation and global object of mockery. Thus, they have continued to query in soliloquy, what is happening to us? How did we get here? Where are we going to? Only to be answered by dead silence. But I have a revelation for you: AFTER OSUN TEMPLATE WAS BUSTED, EDO TEMPLATE WAS USED. The Osun State Template was version 2018 (OST_V.2018) but failed, while the Edo State Template which was version 2016 (EST_V.2016) still spawned results for the mischievous developer and programmer.

Nigeria missed it when the Amended Electoral Bill was not endorsed into law by the president, and the senate was too divisive to exercise their constitutional veto power. We have once again washed our dirtiness in the comity of nations and International Election Observers (IEO). Oh yes, I have my sentiments and candidates of preference because I am a concerned Nigerian and I have right to choose who leads me. But that is not the basis of this write up, it is about Nigeria as a nation and the electoral processes. I am more concerned about the PROCESS than the PRODUCT. This is because, once the PROCESSES are faulty or compromised, the PRODUCTS can never satiate the cravings of the consumers. Having read the lame arguments of some myopic or better put, blind Nigerians whose perspectives are borne out of religious and political party fanaticism, I concluded that we still have a long way to goal in our quest for peaceful, united, strong and progressive nation.

Under our watch, our democracy was not only raped but whisked away to an unknown destination. The ransom for its restoration may be overbearing - I pray we would have learnt our lessons and be equal to the task by then. I also pray that before 2023, a messiah will rise from the wilderness to fix these lapses, amidst predictable strong oppositions though. We finally lost our voices when we started clapping for impunity, vindictive castigations, setting aside of the Rule of Law for party supremacy or so called national interest, dictatorial tendencies, regionalism or regional prejudice, marginalization under the façade of meritorious selection, and cluelessness because of the alleged rottenness of “the past 16 years.”

Let me shock you:

1.       Over-voting is not when the number of casted votes exceed the number of accredited voters. It is when the number of casted votes exceed the number of registered voters in that polling unit (PU). The Nigeria constitution and courts recognize only the later as a malpractice. For instance, if in PU – 5, there are 1300 registered voters, and on election day only 450 voters turned up for accreditation and voting, but result announced was 950 votes, THERE IS NO OVER VOTING HERE BECAUSE 950 DOES NOT EXCEED 1300, even though it exceeds 450 accredited voters. That is a weakness of the Nigeria constitution and some politicians are exploiting it to their advantage.

2.       CARD-READER is not tenable in court for justifying or debunking any electoral malpractice because it is not yet recognized in the constitution; even though INEC adopted it and selectively cancelled votes in polling units where it was not used.

3.       We no longer have an independent, upright and apolitical judiciary. Forget it; judiciary is no longer the hope of “ALL common men” but “selected common men.” They are now loyalists of the presidency and powerful politicians. If you lose any election, don’t border going to court except you are a friend of the employer because verdicts don’t come from judges anymore, but from their employers. However, there is no harm in trying, and I still believe in miracles. Under the current circumstances, ONLY DIVINE INFLUENCE can restore any stolen mandates.
Therefore, I congratulate all the winners and losers at the just concluded general election. And for those with our stolen mandates, remember that your days are numbered and God still rules in the affairs of men (Daniel 4:17).

But as for you my friend, it is a new year, accept the reality and move on. Plan your life, work hard, pray and trust God and you will succeed in this same Nigeria – with or without a responsible government. Do not be a burden on the government, take up the challenge and chart a glorious path for your future. I know you have a great destiny, which is what you should be pursuing. DON’T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF, NOT EVEN ON NIGERIA!

Friends, welcome to the NEXT LEVEL. For me, it is a NEXT LEVEL of glory, success, breakthrough, joyful sounds, celebrations, favour, Holy Ghost anointing and demonstration of power, righteousness and sanctification, relevance in God’s vineyard,  a NEXT LEVEL of unprecedented achievement in my career, a NEXT LEVEL of international and intercontinental open doors, a NEXT LEVEL of financial abundance and prosperity, a NEXT LEVEL of admirable & ground-breaking exploits both in the secular and sacred worlds, physical and spiritual realms, a NEXT LEVEL in purpose actualization, and a NEXT LEVEL in my walk with God.

I speak to Nigeria today, you are delivered from demonic manipulations, you people shall not be foolish, you will experience a NEXT LEVEL of economic growth, unity, technological advancement, agricultural explosion, oil boom, peace, GDP growth, infrastructural development, massive job creation, a NEXT LEVEL of sincere war against corruption and insecurity, it shall be an indisputable POSITIVE NEXT LEVEL for Nigeria and Nigerians, so help us God.

From this month forward:
-Nigerians will march forward,
-Nigeria will march forward,
-Nigeria will work again
-There is hope for Nigeria.

My name is Godday O. Aghedo - a concerned Nigerian, a space-age & futuristic thinker, and an objective analyst. I remain apolitical!
©Godday O. Aghedo, March, 2019

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