Wednesday 31 December 2014


The atmosphere is fully charged and melodious tones fill the air. Everyone wears a joyful heart and a cheerful face, and seems to be lost in the state of ecstasy, but there is a question to be asked: what is the rationale behind all the unleashing sonorous sounds, budgeting, hasting motions and busy engagements?

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Ecclesiastics 3:1). Indeed, every creature of God is a product of time and season. There is time to be born and time to die. There is time to plant and time to harvest. There is time to be joyful and time to be sad; a time to laugh and a time to weep. There is time to gather and another time for scattering. God has made all things beautiful according to His own timing. The entire book of Ecclesiastics chapter three, speaks a great deal about this reality.

The Sun knows when to take charge as well as the Moon and the Stars. The different plants know when to produce their flowers as well as their fruits. There is the day-light and there is the night. There is the wet season and the dry season. In Genesis chapter one, God brought order to the scheme of things.

In this vein, it is paramount to understand clearly the season we are into. The Christmas period is a joyful season which has been grossly abused, due to the eroded knowledge of its purpose. Christmas is not met for mere visitations, eating, drinking, and exchanging greeting cards and gifts. These may be part of it, but there is more to it.

Christmas is not the time for illicit sexual relations and experiences, it is far from the time for being drunk with wine, it is not necessary to steal, cheap or commit havocs just to acquire material things for the celebration. All these constitute nuisance and make caricature of what ought to be a moment of Divine Visitations and Holy Worship.

Jesus Christ is the reason for the season! Therefore, anything that He would not do will simply defile the moment when done by His acclaimed fans. The greatest thing that happened to mankind is Salvation, which began with the birth of Jesus. Matthew 1:21 says He would save the world from sin. He testified Himself too in John 10:10 that, He had come to give us life abundantly. He came to destroy the works of Satan (1 John 3:8); to put an end to demonic oppressions, possessions and afflictions. He came to curse the root of sin, sickness and sorrow on the earth; to liberate us from the clutches of darkness and illuminating our path for progress and victory. These should be our focus every Christmas season.

The advent (of Jesus) is the best time to take retrospective looks at our lives in general and our walks with God in specific. This should be a good period for massive evangelical and revival outreaches, drawing men to the cross (the place of redemption and salvation). We have to create more rooms for Jesus in our hearts and help others to do same. It is the time to be the hands to the handless, hope to the hopeless, sight to the blind, feet to the lame, joy to the sorrowful and heartbroken, and putting lasting smiles on the faces of the people of the earth.

Friend; Christmas is a season of confession of sin, repentance, turning to Jesus from idols and dead works, mortification of the flesh for the elevation of the Spirit rule over our lives, replicating the things He did when He took up the nature of the flesh, as ambassadors. Anything contrary to this is a wrong way to celebrate Christmas.  We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and this is a good time to shine forth the Light of God in our lives. Remain joyful, celebrate Salvation to mankind and be grateful or thankful to God. Merry Christmas and Happy New-Year! JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!