Saturday 7 December 2013


In my previous post on TOP TEN CHALLENGES OF THIS AGE, I told you that, life is God’s gift to man, while what he does with it (the life) is his gift to God and Humanity. The LIFE we have received is not gotten anywhere else. We have received the very LIFE OF GOD. That is “ZOE”, we have it full and complete. In John 10:10, Jesus says that He has come to give us life in abundance. Now, by a ‘worth living life’ I mean an abundant life, full and complete life. I discovered threat life is not restricted to just man’s breathe. It includes his way of life, even his immediate surrounding or his environment at large and all that he owes.

Nobody cleaves to what is not useful to him or her. The promise of abundant life therefore puts into consideration all that is necessary to keep living on earth - talking about all the good things obtainable in our contemporary society, both seen and unseen.  In other words, life becomes incomplete without certain amenities. Hence, it is important to acknowledge at this point that, life is essentially spiritual. That is, it is first spiritual before physical. This accounts for the meaninglessness of the life of some folks who possess all the visible good things of life. These persons physically and humanly speaking have everything at their disposer, yet they do not have happiness, they do not enjoy life. The reason is simple: some essentially fundamental issues have been treated with levity.
You are probably a victim of this syndrome or you perhaps know persons who are; there is hope for you. God wants your life to be worth living, but you certainly have a role to play. I have found out that God never imposes anything on any man, He respects your choices. Thus, I make bold to say that the prevalent situation of every man is a product of his choice. This unambiguously indicates that you can choose to live a worth living life or a miserable life; to have blessing or curse. See Deuteronomy 30:19. You are more than ninety percent (> 90%) if not hundred percent (100%) responsible for the predominant condition of your life. 

Friend, one great thing about man is that he has been endowed with so much power. I mean my words; you have so much power and authority. Consequently, you can undo whatever you did; you can uncheck whatever you checked and you can reverse the already established routines that have brought you so much regret and misfortune. You can still alter or change you situation for better. It is never too late to embark on a positive adventure, unless on a later date. Tomorrow will be too late for any change but it is never late, if it is NOW

Two of the greatest mountains of our time are:
1.      Procrastination
2.      Indecision
PROCRASTINATION is the deadly habit of intending to do what should be done NOW, in a LATER date. Such people eventually find it irrelevant to fulfil their promise in the later date, thus get stuck to the same situation. For instance, a smoker who has been dragged down to the world of penury, may come to discover the need to stop smoking and build a respectable personality; if he decides to start someday (say in the following week), he may never be able to do it again. Bad habits are better broken off immediately it is realize than any other time; no matter how convenient and logical the future date appears. If you want to succeed and to live a worthy life, then learn to be an ‘action taker.’

INDECISION is synonymous to vacillation or indecisiveness. This condition is worst than procrastination. It has to be conquered first and foremost; it is after indecision that procrastination shows up. Indecision is a state of not knowing what to do. Some people neither know what they want in life nor the right action to take. In its chronic order, the person may know what to do, get provided with the requisite resources, yet unable to take the essential first steps. In which case, indecision can also mean hesitancy, hesitation to changes. Note that this is not tantamount to challenging status quo. Two things lead to indecision: first, beclouded mind and second, fear of the unknown. I will talk about these circumstances in details, in a future post.

Meanwhile, get it established that, to make you life worth living, you have to conquer the mountains of indecision and procrastination. After which, you can transcend all limitations into the realm of success, through some action steps. In my next post, I will share with you some things you must do or imbibe, to make your life count.

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  Fulfillment is the dream of every man who embarks on any worthwhile ventures. Fulfillment is a sense of satisfaction obtained after the accomplishment of certain tasks or after transcending some horrible conditions. It is the craving of every man and it is simply the only thing that can keep a man at peace. Most of the troubles of the world today are extensions of the troubles within man himself. When a man is at peace with himself, his environment will reflect same too.

It may interest you to know that without a sense of fulfillment, a man will continue to struggle all through his life, irrespective of his vast material acquisitions. Fulfillment is more subjective than objective, because a man may have the best of things that the world offers cum the honour of nations, yet unfulfilled. 

In my critical observation and study, I found out that eighty percent (80%) of civil servants are unfulfilled, forty-eight percent (48%) of entrepreneurs are unfulfilled, and sixty-five percent (65%) of the politicians are unfulfilled while forty percent (40%) of the clergy are unfulfilled. This makes it imperative to ask: Is it possible to live a fulfilled life? The answer is emphatically YES! The next question in mind becomes, HOW?

From personal perspective, there are just two ways to be fulfilled. They are:
1        1. Do what you love doing best
2    2. Quit what you don’t like and cleave to what you like
3    3.  Love what you are now doing
4    4. Live with those who are fulfilled

No man can ever get fulfillment doing what he does not love. He sure will find such a task burdensome and uninteresting. The secret of productivity is commitment, while the secret of commitment is love. A man will never be committed to what he does not cherish, this undoubtedly will tell negatively on the results and proportionally on the quality of his life. The first definition of failure is in the mind of the man who has failed, because he knows what he has acquire and what has not been achieved. Many people make choices of their careers base on how lucrative the profession appears, but regrettably they end up unfulfilled. I discovered that most people who are not fulfilled missed it at the point of career choice. Next time you want to make a decision, make sure you go for what you will enjoy doing.

The proof that you do not like a thing really is to quit it. The fear of the unknown is a slave master; it keeps people in bondage by telling them that they cannot find something else better. But unless you let go, you cannot cleave to the opportunities on the other side. Until you take the risk to quit that job which shatters your peace, you may never be able to discover the things that your soul earnestly craves.

If you are already doing something else, you can still end up feeling fulfilled by LOVING WHAT YOU ARE NOW DOING. You can never give the best to a job you do not like. Conversely, you can never get the best from the job you have not given the best. It is a practicable principle: give the best in other to get the best. If you cannot quit what you do not like, then start loving it. After sometimes, you will feel better, do better and live a better life.

One other powerful determinant of the level of fulfillment of a man is his environment and his friends. Living with those who are fulfilled may give you the same feeling. The right environment and the right friend combinations will have great influence on how you feel and think. Therefore, you may learn to be fulfilled by being around the fulfilled ones.

Finally, it is your sense of fulfillment that makes your life count. A fulfilled life alone can affect other lives positively. If your dream is to impact your world, then your personal fulfillment has a tremendous contribution to make towards its actualization. No one can buy over fulfillment; each man must work it out. Do what you love, Love what you do, quit what you hate and cleave to what you like and having the right people around you, are the proven tools for a lifelong fulfillment. watch out for my next post on MAKING LIFE WORTH LIVING.

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